Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hapiness in a second marriage

Congratulations! You found love again! And now you’ve decided to get married, that’s great!
It’s a wonderful thing being in love, it can take you to a place of feeling secure and on a high so that at times you are emotional about decisions you make. It’s best to not make the same mistakes over again.

Here are some factors you may want to consider:
I hope this will help you and get you a step closer to being happily married. It can only make for a happy more stable life together when one gets all your ducks in a row before its to late, and after saying “I Do” is to late.

Emotional stability – you need to healthy emotionally to enjoy being with someone and experience total happiness.
• Physical hang-ups – if you are not happy with how you look physically it will affect your behaviour, you won’t be able to relax.
Social preferences and phobias – you must put aside all your social issues in order to make a fair decision about people you spend time with.
Spiritual wellbeing – your personal spiritual well being is important, but, don’t force it on someone ells.
Age – if you feel insecure about your age after divorce or being widowed find peace about your right to be happy, never go out with someone unless you are really sure about what you want no matter what your age.
Relocated – This can cause a break down in communication and lead to a relationship break-up unless you sit down and discuss in detail the ups and downs about relocating. Never make an emotional decision!